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中国教育部与魁北克省政府高教合作协议赴华留学奖学金Scholarships to study in China under the Higher Education Cooperation Agreement between Chinese Ministry of Education and the Province of Quebec

来源: 时间:2012年09月17日 浏览次数: 【字体:

Scholarships to study in China under the Higher Education Cooperation Agreement between Chinese Ministry of Education and Quebec

Chinese Ministry of Education and Quebec Provincial Government reached an agreement on Higher Education Cooperation in Oct. 2009, and two types of scholarship to study in China are offered by the Chinese Government, namely,

1. Chinese Government Full Scholarship / 10 scholarships each year, and

2. Chinese Government Tuition waiving Scholarship / 15 scholarships each year.

Regarding application of above two types of Scholarships, please kindly contact the Ministère de l'éducation, du Loisir et du Sport at 1035,rue De La Chevrotiere, 13e etage, Quebec(Quebec) G1R 5A5, FAX:(418)646-9170.